Ulteriori domande?

    Declaration on the storage of personal data for contacting

    Yes, I agree that Braun Nurseries may save and use my personal information for the purpose of contacting me. I do not agree to any further use of my personal data. I am aware that I can revoke this consent at any time in writing or by e-mail to Braun Baumschulen.

    Come raggiungerci.

    Sede legale, amministrazione e magazzino:
    Vivai Braun – Braun Thomas
    Società agricola semplice
    Via Lamm 23c
    39057 Corniano (Alto Adige)

    Fon: +39 (0)471 660 640
    Fax: +39 (0)471 660 190
    Mail: info@braun-apple.com

    Sede produttiva:
    Vivai Braun
    Via Villaraspa 3
    37041 Località Presina